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起来 (qǐ lái) is a versatile Chinese word that can be used in various ways in a sentence. It is typically placed after a verb or adjective to indicate the beginning and continuation of an action or state. In this sense, it can be translated as "to start" or "to begin" in English.
For example: 她哭起来了。(Tā kū qǐ lái le.) - She started/began crying.
In this sentence, 起来 (qǐ lái) emphasizes the beginning of the action 哭 and implies that it will continue for some time.
Apart from indicating the beginning of an action or state, 起来 (qǐ lái) can also be used to express a change in the state of something or someone. In this case, it can be translated as "to become" or "to turn" in English.
For example:
1. 天气冷起来了。(Tiānqì lěng qǐlái le.) - The weather has become colder.
2. 他起来变得很有钱。(Tā qǐlái biàn de hěn yǒu qián.) - He has become very rich.
3. 这个问题变得复杂起来了。(Zhège wèntí biàn de fùzá qǐlái le.) - This problem has become even more complicated.
In these sentences, 起来 (qǐlái) indicates a change in the state of something or someone, and it is often used with adjectives to describe the new state.
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