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兴奋 (xīngfèn) can be used to describe a feeling of excitement or enthusiasm. For example, one might say: "我很兴奋 (wǒ hěn xīngfèn),因为我们明天要去旅行!" which translates to "I am very excited because we are going on a trip tomorrow!"
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1. 激动 (jīdòng) - excited; excitement; to excite
This word can also mean "moved; touched" in certain contexts, but it is commonly used to express excitement or being excited about something.
2. 兴致勃勃 (xìngzhì bóbó) - excited; enthusiasm
This phrase is often used to describe someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm, and is excited about something.
3. 热情 (rèqíng) - enthusiastic; enthusiasm
This word can also mean "warm; warm-hearted" in certain contexts, but it is commonly used to express enthusiasm or being enthusiastic about something.
4. 兴高采烈 (xìnggāo cǎiliè) - excited; high-spirited
This phrase is often used to describe someone who is in a state of excitement and high spirits, usually because of something good or positive that has happened.
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