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1. 有本事 (yǒu běnshì) - Literally meaning "have ability," this phrase is often used to describe someone who is skilled or capable in a certain area.
2. 有实力 (yǒu shílì) - This phrase means "have strength" or "have power," and can be used to describe someone who is skilled or talented.
3. 有一手 (yǒu yīshǒu) - This phrase literally means "have one hand," but is used to describe someone who is skilled or talented in a particular area.
4. 有过人之处 (yǒu guòrén zhī chù) - This phrase means "have extraordinary qualities" or "have outstanding abilities," and can be used to describe someone who is skilled or talented.
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有两下子 (yǒu liǎng xiàzi) is a colloquial phrase in Chinese that is used to describe someone who has real skill or talent in a particular area. It can also be translated as "know one's stuff" or "be good at". The literal translation of this phrase is "have two moves", which refers to having a few tricks up one's sleeve or being able to handle a situation with ease.
For example, if someone is a skilled cook, you could say "他做饭有两下子 (tā zuòfàn yǒu liǎng xiàzi)", meaning "he knows his stuff when it comes to cooking".
Another phrase that convey a similar meaning is "有一手 (yǒu yī shǒu)".
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