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斗争 (dòuzhēng) is a commonly used term in everyday Chinese that refers to the act of striving, struggling, or fighting for something. It can be used in both a literal and figurative sense.
In its literal sense, 斗争 (dòuzhēng) can refer to physical fights or battles, such as in a war or sports competition. For example, "他们正在进行一场激烈的斗争 (tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng yī chǎng jīliè de dòuzhēng)" means "They are engaged in a fierce battle."
In a figurative sense, 斗争 (dòu zhēng) can refer to the act of striving or struggling to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle. For example, "我们必须坚持不懈地斗争 (wǒmen bìxū jiānchí bùxiè de dòuzhēng)" means "We must persistently strive for our goal."
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