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结婚 (jiéhūn) is more often used to describe marriage between two people. It is a verb that means "to marry" or "to get married." The pronunciation is "jié hūn" in Mandarin Chinese.
In Chinese culture, marriage is seen as a union between two individuals, rather than between two families. Therefore, the term 结婚 (jiéhūn) is primarily used to describe the act of two people getting married to each other.
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Yes, 结婚 (jiéhūn) has several synonyms in Chinese that mean "marry, get married". These include:
嫁 (jià): (of a woman) to marry a man
娶 (qǔ): (of a man) to marry a woman
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结婚 (jiéhūn) is a verb that means "marry, get married". It is used to describe the act of two people entering into a marriage. For example, one might say "他们明年结婚 (tāmen míngnián jiéhūn) - They are getting married next year".
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