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我要去理发店 (wǒ yào qù lǐfàdiàn).
This translates to "I'm going to a barbershop". The Chinese word for "barbershop" is 理发店 (lǐfàdiàn). The Chinese phrase for "I'm going to" is 我要去 (wǒ yào qù).
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1. 剪头发 (jiǎn tóufa): This phrase literally means "cut hair" and is used to refer to going to the barbershop.
2. 理发师 (lǐfàshī): This phrase literally means "barber" and is used to refer to the person who cuts hair at the barbershop.
3. 理发 (lǐfà): This phrase literally means "haircut" and is used to refer to the service provided at the barbershop.
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