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tuǒ dàng
adj. appropriate, proper, suitable
Discussion of 妥当/妥當
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适当 vs 妥当
妥当= 稳妥 适当 and 稳妥 means safe and reliable. 妥当 usually describes a plan, a set of steps, a procedure, arrangement, way of explaining things, etc. it's limited to these things. 适当 can be applied to a wider range of things.
In sentences, they have different functions. 妥当 is usually the attributive modifier, the predicate, the complement.
适当 can be the attributive modifier, predicate; it can also be the adverbial adjunct (we rarely see 妥当 being an adverbial adjunct in a sentence)
E.g. 适当地减肥有利于身体健康。 r/s [phr] Proper diet is good for health.
We cannot use 妥当 in this sentence.
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