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礼尚往来 (lǐshàngwǎnglái) is used to express the idea that etiquette demands reciprocity. It is often used to remind people to be polite and to show respect to others, as well as to be generous and to return favors. It is also used to remind people to be humble and to not take advantage of others. For example, if someone has done something nice for you, you should return the favor.
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礼尚往来 (lǐshàngwǎnglái) is an expression that is used to emphasize the importance of reciprocity in social interactions. It is appropriate to use this expression when someone has done something for you and you want to express your gratitude and appreciation. It is also appropriate to use this expression when you are asking someone to do something for you, as a way of emphasizing that you are willing to return the favor.
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1. 互惠互利 (hùhuìhùlì): mutual benefit, mutual advantage.
2. 互利共赢 (hùlìgòngyíng): mutual benefit and win-win.
3. 互利互惠 (hùlìhùhuì): mutual benefit and mutual advantage.
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