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诞生 (dàn shēng) is used to describe the process of something coming into being. For example, one might say: 中国共产党 (Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng) 诞生于 (dàn shēng yú) 1921 年 (nián). This means "The Chinese Communist Party was born in 1921."
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1. 诞辰 (dàn chén): This word literally means "birthday" and is used to refer to the day of one's birth.
2. 出生 (chū shēng): This word literally means "to come out" and is used to refer to the act of being born.
3. 诞出 (dàn chū): This word literally means "to be born" and is used to refer to the act of coming into being.
4. 出世: be born, come into the world; stand aloof from worldly affairs
5. 降生: to be born
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