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The idiom 对牛弹琴 (duì niú tán qín) means "to play the lute to a cow," which is used to describe a situation where someone is speaking or explaining something to someone who cannot understand or appreciate it. Here are some examples:
别再对牛弹琴了,他是不会理解你的想法的。(Bié zài duì niú tán qín le, tā shì bú huì lǐjiě nǐ de xiǎngfǎ de.)
Stop wasting your words; he will never understand your thoughts.
跟他讨论艺术简直是对牛弹琴,他根本不感兴趣。(Gēn tā tǎolùn yìshù jiǎnzhí shì duì niú tán qín, tā gēnběn bù gǎn xìngqù.)
Discussing art with him is like playing the lute to a cow; he has no interest at all.
我给他解释了半天,但他还是不明白,真是对牛弹琴。(Wǒ gěi tā jiěshì le bàntiān, dàn tā háishì bù míngbái, zhēn shì duì niú tán qín._
I explained to him for a long time, but he still didn't understand—it's really like playing the lute to a cow.
在不懂美食的人面前谈论烹饪简直是对牛弹琴。(Zài bù dǒng měishí de rén miànqián tánlùn pēngrèn jiǎnzhí shì duì niú tán qín.)
Talking about cooking in front of someone who doesn’t understand food is really a waste of effort.
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The literal translation of 对牛弹琴 (duì niú tán qín) is "play the lute to a cow." This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone is trying to communicate or explain something to someone who is unable to understand or appreciate it. It is often used to express frustration or futility in trying to communicate with someone who is not receptive or capable of understanding.
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