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"Take a picture" in Chinese is "拍照片" (pāi zhào piàn). This phrase literally translates to "take a photo" and is commonly used to refer to the action of taking a photograph.
The first character "拍" (pāi) means "to take" or "to shoot" and is often used in the context of photography. The second character "照" (zhào) means "to illuminate" or "to shine" and is used to indicate the action of capturing an image. The third character "片" (piàn) means "picture" or "photo."
Together, the phrase "拍照片" (pāi zhào piàn) conveys the meaning of taking a photograph or capturing an image with a camera.
Other related words that may be useful to know when talking about photography in Chinese include:
1. 相机 (xiàng jī) - camera
2. 照相 (zhào xiàng) - to take a photo
3. 摄影 (shè yǐng) - photography
4. 照片 (zhào piàn) - photograph
5. 拍摄 (pāi shè) - to shoot or film
6. 快门 (kuài mén) - shutter (of a camera)
7. 曝光 (bào guāng) - exposure (in photography)
8. 调焦 (tiáo jiāo) - to focus (a camera)
9. 数码相机 (shù mǎ xiàng jī) - digital camera
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