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AA制 (aa zhì) is typically used in an informal context. It refers to the practice of splitting the cost of a meal or activity evenly between two or more people. This term originated from the English phrase "go Dutch," which means each person pays for their own share.
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1. 一人一半 (yī rén yī bàn): each person pays for their own half
2. 各付各的 (gè fù gè de): each pays their own
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AA制 (aa zhì) is used in everyday conversation to refer to the concept of "going Dutch" or "Dutch treatment". This means that when two or more people are sharing the cost of something, each person pays an equal amount. For example, if two people are going out to dinner, they would each pay half of the bill. In Chinese, this is referred to as AA制 (aa zhì).
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