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Thank you for your input! We have added this sentence as an example for 质量.
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The correct way to ask about the quality of something in Simplified Chinese is to use the phrase "质量怎么样?" (zhìliàng zěnmeyàng?). This phrase literally translates to "What is the quality like?" and is used to ask about the quality of something.
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The word "质量" (zhìliàng) is used to refer to the quality of something, usually a product or service. It is often used to refer to the level of excellence or superiority of something, such as the quality of a product or service. It can also be used to refer to the degree of excellence or superiority of something, such as the quality of a product or service. It is often used in contrast to other words such as "数量" (shùliàng), which refers to the quantity of something.
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To compare the quality of two things in Simplified Chinese, you can use the word "质量" (zhìliàng). This word literally translates to "quality" and is used to refer to the degree of excellence of a product or service. For example, you could say "这两个产品的质量有很大的不同" (zhè liǎng gè chǎnpǐn de zhìliàng yǒu hěn dà de bùtóng), which means "The quality of these two products is very different".
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