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1. Religious contexts: In Chinese culture, 信 (xìn) is commonly used to refer to one's belief or faith in a particular religion. For example, 信仰 (xìn yǎng) means "religious belief" and 信徒 (xìn tú) means "believer" or "follower". It can also be used in phrases such as 信仰自由 (xìn yǎng zì yóu), which means "freedom of religion".
2. Personal beliefs: In addition to religious beliefs, 信 (xìn) can also refer to one's personal beliefs or convictions. For example, 信念 (xìn niàn) means "belief" or "conviction" and 信条 (xìn tiáo) means "creed" or "principle".
3. Trust and confidence: 信 (xìn) can also be used to express trust and confidence in someone or something. For example, 信任 (xìn rèn) means "trust" and 信心 (xìn xīn) means "confidence". It can also be used in phrases such as 信赖 (xìn lài), which means "rely on" or "have faith in".
4. Contracts and agreements: In legal contexts, 信 (xìn) can refer to a contract or agreement. For example, 信约 (xìn yuē) means "contract" and 信用 (xìn yòng) means "credit" or "trustworthiness". It can also be used in phrases such as 信守 (xìn shǒu), which means "keep one's word" or "honor an agreement".
5. Random or arbitrary: In some cases, 信 (xìn) can also be used to describe something that is done at will or without a plan. For example, 信手拈来 (xìn shǒu nián lái) means "do something without thinking" or "do something effortlessly". It can also be used in phrases such as 信口开河 (xìn kǒu kāi hé), which means "talk without thinking" or "speak without restraint".
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