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上月 (shàng yuè) means "last month" in English. It is a combination of the character 上 (shàng), which means "above" or "previous", and 月 (yuè), which means "month". Together, they form the word 上月 (shàng yuè), which literally translates to "previous month".
Here are some examples of how to use 上月 (shàng yuè) in a sentence:
1. 我上月去了北京。(Wǒ shàng yuè qù le Běijīng.) - "I went to Beijing last month."
2. 上月的销售额比去年同期增长了10%。(Shàng yuè de xiāoshòu é bǐ qù nián tóng qī zēngzhǎng le 10%.) - "Last month's sales increased by 10% compared to the same period last year."
3. 上月的工资已经发放了。(Shàng yuè de gōngzī yǐjīng fāfàng le.) - "Last month's salary has already been paid out."
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上个月 (shàng gè yuè) - another way to say "last month"
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