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The word 今年 (jīn nián) is a neutral term that can be used in both formal and informal situations. It simply means "this year" and is commonly used in everyday conversations and written texts.
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我累了,不想去了。I am tired, and don't want to go anymore.
好吧,今天不去了。Okay, today let's not go anymore.
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No, we cannot use "这年" (zhè nián) in place of "今年" (jīn nián). "今年" specifically means "this year," while "这年" isn't commonly used. You could say 这一年 in Mandarin Chinese, however, please note that 这一年 means "this entire year".
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今年 (jīnnián) is the most common way to say "this year". In addition, you could also the following to express the same meaning:
- 本年 (běnnián): This is another way to say "this year" in Simplified Chinese. It is less common than 今年.
- 这一年 (zhè yī nián): This is another way to say "this year" in Simplified Chinese. It is less common than 今年 and 本年.
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今年 (jīn nián) means "this year" in English. It is a combination of the characters 今年, with 今年 (jīn) meaning "this" and 年 (nián) meaning "year". It is pronounced as "jīn nián" in Mandarin Chinese.
Example sentence:
- 我今年毕业。(Wǒ jīn nián bì yè.) I will graduate this year.
Other related words:
- 明年 (míng nián) - next year
- 去年 (qù nián) - last year
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