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1. 拥有 (yōng yǒu): to have, to possess.
2. 持有 (chí yǒu): to hold, to possess.
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有 (yǒu): This is the most basic way to express the same idea as 有着 (yǒu zhe). It is used to express the idea of "having; possessing" in a more general sense.
拥有 (yōng yǒu): This is another way to express the same idea as 有着 (yǒu zhe). It is used to express the idea of "having; possessing" in a more emphatic way.
持有 (chí yǒu): This is another way to express the same idea as 有着 (yǒu zhe). It is used to express the idea of "having; possessing" in a more literal sense.
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