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Yes, there is no difference between 流眼泪 (liú yǎn lèi) and 流泪 (liú lèi). 流眼泪 specifically refers to shedding tears from one's eyes, while 流泪 is a more general term that can be metaphorically used on inanimate nouns to mean "to cry."
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流眼泪 (liú yǎn lèi) is used in everyday conversation to describe someone who is crying or shedding tears. It is often used to express sympathy or sadness for someone who is in a difficult situation. For example, one might say 她看起来很难过,流眼泪了 (tā kàn qǐlái hěn nánguò, liú yǎn lèi le; She looks very sad, she's been shedding tears).
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