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The correct usage of 次序 (cìxù) in a sentence is to refer to the order or sequence of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the order of events, steps, or items in a list.
For example:
1. 我们需要按照正确的次序来完成这项任务。(Wǒmen xūyào ànzhào zhèngquè de cìxù lái wánchéng zhè xiàng rènwù.) - We need to complete this task in the correct order.
2. 请按照次序排队。(Qǐng ànzhào cìxù páiduì.) - Please line up in order.
3. 这本书按照时间的次序来讲述了历史。(Zhè běn shū ànzhào shíjiān de cìxù lái jiǎngshùle lìshǐ.) - This book tells the history in chronological order.
4. 我们需要重新调整一下这些文件的次序。(Wǒmen xūyào chóngxīn tiáozhěng yīxià zhèxiē wénjiàn de cìxù.) - We need to rearrange the order of these files.
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