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精益求精 (jīng yì qiú jīng) is a formal phrase in Chinese. It is often used in formal settings such as business meetings, academic discussions, or professional settings.
The phrase literally means "refine on, always be endeavoring to do better, constantly perfect one's skill". It emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and striving for excellence in one's work or skills. It conveys the idea of never being satisfied with one's current level of achievement and always seeking ways to improve and refine.
Example sentence: 我们公司的理念是精益求精,我们不断地改进产品,以提供更好的服务。(Wǒmen gōngsī de lǐniàn shì jīng yì qiú jīng, wǒmen bùduàn de gǎijìn chǎnpǐn, yǐ tígōng gèng hǎo de fúwù.) - "Our company's philosophy is to constantly strive for excellence, we continuously improve our products to provide better services."
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