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没问题 (méi wèn tí) is an informal phrase meaning "no problem". It is commonly used in casual conversations between friends and family.
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没问题 (méi wèn tí) is a common phrase in Chinese meaning "no problem". Synonyms for this phrase include:
1. 没关系 (méi guān xi): This phrase literally translates to "no relation" and is used to express the same sentiment as "no problem".
2. 没事 (méi shì): This phrase literally translates to "no thing" and is used to express the same sentiment as "no problem".
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Yes, 没问题 (méi wèn tí) can be used in a negative context. It can be used to express that there is no problem or issue, but it can also be used sarcastically to imply that there is a problem or issue.
For example, if someone asks if you can finish a task by a certain deadline, you can respond with 没问题 (méi wèn tí) to indicate that it is not a problem and you can finish it on time.
However, if someone asks if you have any concerns about a plan or decision, you can also respond with 没问题 (méi wèn tí) to sarcastically imply that there are indeed problems or issues that need to be addressed.
Other Chinese words that can be used in a similar way include 没有问题 (méi yǒu wèn tí) and 没有任何问题 (méi yǒu rèn hé wèn tí), both of which mean "no problem" or "no issues" but can also be used sarcastically in a negative context.
It is important to pay attention to the tone and context in which 没问题 (méi wèn tí) is used in order to understand its intended meaning.
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