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区分 (qūfēn) can be used to express the idea of distinguishing between two or more things. For example, 我们需要区分真假 (wǒmen xūyào qūfēn zhēnjiǎ) "we need to distinguish between true and false".
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1. 区分好坏 (qūfēn hǎo huài) - to distinguish between good and bad
2. 区分真假 (qūfēn zhēn jiǎ) - to differentiate between true and false
3. 区分优劣 (qūfēn yōuliè) - to distinguish between superiority and inferiority
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1. 区别 (qūbié) - to differentiate, distinguish, make a distinction
2. 辨别 (biànbié) - to discriminate, distinguish, differentiate
3. 分辨 (fēnbiàn) - to distinguish, differentiate, tell apart
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