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落实 (luòshí) is used s a verb meaning "to put into practice, carry out, fulfill":
- 我们需要落实这项计划。(Wǒmen xūyào luòshí zhè xiàng jìhuà.) - We need to put this plan into practice.
- 他们已经落实了所有的安全措施。(Tāmen yǐjīng luòshí le suǒyǒu de ānquán cuòshī.) - They have implemented all the safety measures.
- 落实承诺是非常重要的。(Luòshí chéngnuò shì fēicháng zhòngyào de.) - Fulfilling promises is very important.
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1. Implementing Plans or Policies (落实计划或政策)
2. Enforcing Rules or Regulations (落实规章制度)
3. Making Plans or Ideas Feasible (落实计划/想法)
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