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1. 出色 (chū sè): to stand out, to excel.
2. 出口 (chū kǒu): to export.
3. 出现 (chū xiàn): to appear, to emerge.
4. 出版 (chū bǎn): to publish.
5. 出席 (chū xí): to attend (an event).
6. 出租 (chū zū): to rent out.
7. 出走 (chū zǒu): to run away.
8. 出售 (chū shòu): to sell.
9. 出谋划策 (chū móu huà cè): to come up with a plan.
10. 出入 (chū rù): to enter and leave.
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1. 发出 (fāchū): to emit, to send out
2. 输出 (shūchū): to output
3. 发生 (fāshēng): to occur, to happen
4. 发表 (fābiǎo): to publish
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