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1. 这位老师是一位资深的教育家。(Zhè wèi lǎoshī shì yí wèi zīshēn de jiàoyùjiā.) - This teacher is a senior educator.
2. 我们公司聘请了一位资深的顾问来帮助我们制定发展战略。(Wǒmen gōngsī pìnqǐng le yí wèi zīshēn de gùwèn lái bāngzhù wǒmen zhìdìng fāzhǎn zhànlüè.) - Our company has hired a senior consultant to help us develop our growth strategy.
3. 这部电影由一群资深的演员主演,必定会大获成功。(Zhè bù diànyǐng yóu yì qún zīshēn de yǎnyuán zhǔyǎn, bìdìng huì dàhuò chénggōng.) - This movie is starring a group of highly-qualified actors, it is bound to be a huge success.
4. 他是一位资深的律师,拥有丰富的法律经验。(Tā shì yí wèi zīshēn de lǜshī, yǒngyǒu fēngfù de fǎlǜ jīngyàn.) - He is a senior lawyer with extensive legal experience.
5. 这本书是由一位资深的作家所著,内容非常精彩。(Zhè běn shū shì yóu yí wèi zīshēn de zuòjiā suǒ zhù, nèiróng fēicháng jīngcǎi.) - This book is written by a highly-qualified author and the content is very exciting.
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The term 资深 (zīshēn) is a formal term in Chinese, meaning "senior" or "highly-qualified." It is often used to describe someone who has extensive experience and expertise in a particular field. The pronunciation of 资深 is "zī shēn," with the first syllable having a rising tone and the second syllable having a neutral tone.
Other Chinese words that are similar in meaning to 资深 include 老资格 (lǎo zīgé) and 老手 (lǎo shǒu), both of which also mean "experienced" or "seasoned." However, these terms are more informal and colloquial compared to 资深.
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老资格 (lǎo zī gé) - literally means "old qualifications," this phrase is used to describe someone who is experienced and highly skilled in a particular field.
资格深厚 (zī gé shēn hòu) - this phrase means "deeply qualified" and is often used to describe someone who has extensive knowledge and experience in a certain area.
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