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The position of 左右 and 差不多 is different:
Example 1: 会议三点左右结束;走路只要二十分钟左右;他五十岁左右,etc.
Example 2: 会议差不多三点结束;走路差不多只要二十分钟;他差不多五十岁,etc.
Their meaning is also different. 左右 means "about, around", while 差不多 is "nearly, almost".
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When 左右 (zuǒyòu) means "to control, to influence", these words have similar meanings:
1. 影响 (yǐngxiǎng): to influence, to affect.
2. 控制 (kòngzhì): to control, to regulate.
3. 支配 (zhīpèi): to control, to dominate.
4. 操纵 (cāozòng): to manipulate, to control.
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左右 (zuǒyòu) is commonly used to refer to the approximate amount of something, such as time, money, or people. For example, it can be used to say "需要两个小时左右 (it will take around two hours)" or "十个人左右 (about ten people)".
It can also be used to refer to the influence or control someone has over something. For example, it can be used to say "他左右了选举结果。 (He has influenced the outcome of the election.)
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左右 (zuǒyòu) is used to express the idea of 'around' or 'nearby' in the sense of "about, or so, around; to control, to influence". It is often used to describe the approximate range of something, such as the number of people in a group or the amount of time it takes to complete a task. For example, one might say "这个任务大概需要左右一个小时" (zhège rènwù dàgài xūyào zuǒyòu yīgè xiǎoshí), which means "This task will take about an hour". It can also be used to describe the influence or control someone has over a situation, such as "他对这件事情有左右" (tā duì zhè jiàn shìqíng yǒu zuǒyòu), which means "He has influence over this matter".
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The difference between 左右 (zuǒyòu) and 上下 (shàngxià) is that 左右 refers to left and right directions, while 上下 refers to up and down directions.
上下 also means "(of level) relative superiority and inferiority; indicating a rough number; all people within a certain range". When 上下 is meant to indicate a rough number, it's only used to indicate levels, unlike 左右 which is used in broader contexts, e.g. time, quantity, etc.
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