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吉祥 (jí xiáng) is often used to describe a situation or event that is seen as lucky or auspicious. For example, one might say 我们的婚礼很吉祥 (wǒmen de hūnlǐ hěn jí xiáng) to describe a wedding that was seen as lucky or auspicious.
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吉祥 (jí xiáng) is a commonly used word in both formal and informal settings. It is often used to describe something that is lucky, propitious, or auspicious.
Other similar words that can be used in formal settings include 幸运 (xìng yùn) and 吉利 (jí lì), both of which mean "lucky" or "fortunate." In informal settings, words like 好运 (hǎo yùn) and 幸福 (xìng fú) can also be used to express good luck or happiness.
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