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dòng zuò
n./v. movement, motion, action; to take actions, to start moving
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动作 versus 举动

1. 举动 is only a noun. 动作 can be a noun or a verb, for example:
我们早该动作了。 We should have taken actions much earlier.

2. When these two words are nouns, 动作 refers to more specific physical movements or actions.
我教你跳舞吧,动作很简单。 Let me teach you to dance. The movements are quite simple.
做这个动作时需要双脚分开站立,与肩同宽。This movement has to be done in a standing position with the feet shoulder width apart.

举动 is more general. 举动 can also refer to general "act, activities". For example:
英勇的举动 heroic act, brave act
警察在监视这帮人的举动 The police have been keeping watch on the movements of this gang of people.
How do I use the word 动作 (dòngzuò) to talk about physical activity?
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