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"典 (diǎn)" is typically used to form other words when referring to a law, standard, or principle. "典 (diǎn)" is not used independently in sentences.
For example, "典型 (diǎnxíng)"one might say "这是一个典型的例子 (zhè shì yīgè diǎnxíng de lìzi) - This is a typical example."
It can also be used to refer to a standard work of scholarship - 典籍 (diǎnjí), such as "这本书是一部典籍 (zhè běn shū shì yī bù diǎnjí) - This book is a classic work."
It can also be used to refer to an allusion 典故 (diǎngù), such as "这是一个典故 (zhè shì yīgè diǎngù) - This is an allusion."
Finally, it can be used to refer to pawning or pledging something, as in 典当 (diǎndàng), such as "他把手表典当了 (tā bǎ shǒubiǎo diǎndàng le) - He pawned (his) watch."
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1. 法 (fǎ) - law; principle; method
2. 规范 (guīfàn) - standard; norm; regulation
3. 准则 (zhǔnzé) - principle; criterion; standard
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