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推翻(tuīfān)is used to describe the act of overthrowing or overturning something, usually a government or system. For example, 民主革命(mínzhǔ gémìng)is a type of revolution that seeks to overthrow an existing government or system and replace it with a democratic one.
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1. 颠覆 (diānfù) - to overturn, to subvert
2. 推倒 (tuīdǎo) - to push down, to topple
3. 倾覆 (qīngfù) - to capsize, to overturn
4. 倾倒 (qīngdǎo) - to pour out, to overturn
1. 维护 (wéihù) - to maintain, to uphold
2. 保卫 (bǎowèi) - to defend, to protect
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