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所谓 (suǒwèi) is used to express doubt or disbelief in something that is being said. For example, one might say 所谓的“专家” (suǒwèi de “zhuānjiā”) to express doubt in the expertise of the person being referred to as an "expert".
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No, 所谓 (suǒwèi) does not always have a negative connotation. The word 所谓 (suǒwèi) can be used to express doubt or skepticism, but it can also be used to express a neutral connotation.
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The literal translation of 所谓 (suǒwèi) into English is "so-called". This phrase is used to indicate that something is being referred to by a name or title that is not necessarily accurate or accepted. For example, 所谓的“艺术” (suǒwèi de “yìshù”) can be translated as "so-called 'art'".
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