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You can use 这个 (zhège) in a sentence to refer to something that is close to you or the person you are speaking to. For example, you can say "这个 (zhège) 是我的 (shì wǒ de) 书 (shū)" to mean "This one is my book". You can also use it to refer to something that has been previously mentioned. For example, if someone has just mentioned a book, you can say "这个 (zhège) 书 (shū) 是什么 (shì shénme) 书 (shū)?" to mean "What book is this one?".
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1. 这 (zhè) - This; this one. This is a shortened form of 这个 (zhège) and has the same meaning.
2. 这种 (zhèzhǒng) - This kind; this type. It is used to describe a specific type or category of something.
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