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按键 (ànjiàn): a key (computer keyboard)
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1. 键 (jiàn) can be used to refer to the keys of a computer keyboard.
2. 键 (jiàn) can be used to refer to the keys of a piano.
3. 键 (jiàn) can be used to refer to the bonds between atoms in a molecule.
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键 (jiàn) is used to refer to the physical keys on a computer keyboard, piano, or other instrument. For example, one might say "按琴键来弹奏这首曲子" to mean "Press the keys to play this song". In chemistry, 键 (jiàn) is used to refer to a bond between two atoms. For example, one might say "氢键 (qīng jiàn) 是最强的化学键 (shì zuì qiáng de huà xué jiàn)" to mean "Hydrogen bonds are the strongest chemical bonds".
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