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改进 vs 提高:
1. 改进 is "improve, make better"; 提高 can mean the same thing, but it emphasizes more on "raising the level". We can translate 提高 as "to raise, to elevate, to heighten". Therefore when it comes to something that is quantifiable, we usually use 提高. Here are some examples where 提高 is used:
提高平均价格 [phr] increase the average price
因为原材料价格上涨,我们的成本也提高了。 [phr] Due to the rising of prices of raw materials, our costs are increasing.
提高房租 [phr] raise the rental
提高关税 [phr] increase tariff
你数学成绩提高了不少。 [phr] Your scores in maths have improved quite a lot.
In these sentences, we cannot replace 提高 with 改进。
2. On the other hand, if the thing that goes through improvement that is not quantifiable, we usually use 改进. Example:
及时的反馈对我们改进工作很有帮助。 [phr] Timely feedback is very helpful for improving our work. -- Here we cannot use 提高.
3. In some cases, 提高 and 改进 are interchangeable. It depends on the emphasis. In this sentence below we can use 改进 or 提高. Both work:
我们应该改进(提高)所谓的生活品质。 [phr] We should improve what is called the quality of living.
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改进 (gǎijìn) can be used to describe the process of making something better. For example, 我们正在改进这个产品 (wǒmen zhèngzài gǎijìn zhège chǎnpǐn) meaning "We are improving this product".
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1. 提升 (tíshēng) - to elevate, to enhance, to upgrade
2. 改良 (gǎiliáng) - to improve, to reform, to refine
3. 完善 (wánshàn) - to perfect, to improve, to make better
4. 优化 (yōuhuà) - to optimize, to improve, to enhance
5. 升级 (shēngjí) - to upgrade, to improve, to advance
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The word 改进 (gǎijìn) is commonly used in both formal and informal settings. It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, such as improving a product, process, or situation.
In a formal setting, 改进 (gǎijìn) is often used in professional or business settings, where there is a need to discuss ways to improve a product or process. For example, a company may hold a meeting to discuss how to 改进 (gǎijìn) their production process to increase efficiency and reduce costs. In this context, 改进 (gǎijìn) is used to convey a sense of professionalism and seriousness in finding solutions to problems.
In an informal setting, 改进 (gǎijìn) is commonly used in everyday conversations among friends or family members. For example, someone may say "我要改进我的学习方法" (wǒ yào gǎijìn wǒ de xuéxí fāngfǎ) which means "I want to improve my learning skills." In this context, 改进 (gǎijìn) is used to express a personal desire to make oneself study and learn in better ways.
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