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我今天要去超市买面粉做蛋糕。(Wǒ jīntiān yào qù chāoshì mǎi miànfěn zuò dàngāo.) - Today I am going to the supermarket to buy flour to make a cake.
面粉是制作面食的主要原料。(Miànfěn shì zhìzuò miànshí de zhǔyào yuánliào.) - Flour is the main ingredient for making noodles and other dough-based foods.
这种面粉适合做面包。(Zhè zhǒng miànfěn shìhé zuò miànbāo.) - This type of flour is suitable for making bread.
面粉可以用来做糕点、面条和饺子皮。(Miànfěn kěyǐ yòng lái zuò gāodiǎn, miàntiáo hé jiǎozi pí.) - Flour can be used to make pastries, noodles, and dumpling wrappers.
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Yes, 面粉/麵粉 (miànfěn) specifically refers to wheat flour. And we have updated the translation to reflect your feedback. Thanks a lot!
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