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闯 (chuǎng) is an informal word in Chinese. It is commonly used in spoken language and informal writing, but not in formal or academic contexts.
The meaning of 闯 (chuǎng) can vary depending on the context. It can mean "to rush" or "to hurry", as in 闯进 (chuǎng jìn) which means "to rush in". It can also mean "to temper oneself" or "to challenge oneself", as in 闯关 (chuǎng guān) which means "to challenge a difficult task". Additionally, it can mean "to stir up" or "to cause trouble", as in 闯祸 (chuǎng huò) which means "to cause trouble".
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You can use 闯 (chuǎng) in a sentence to describe someone who is rushing or stirring up trouble. For example, you could say: 他闯了进去 (tā chuǎng le jìnqù) - He rushed in.
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