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这 (zhè) and 那 (nà) are both demonstrative pronouns that are used to refer to things that are close or far away in terms of physical or temporal distance.
这 (zhè) is used to refer to something that is close in physical or temporal distance, while 那 (nà) is used to refer to something that is far away in physical or temporal distance.
For example, 这 (zhè) can be used to refer to something that is close to the speaker, such as "这个人 (zhè gè rén)" meaning "this person", or something that is close in terms of time, such as "这个月 (zhè gè yuè)" meaning "this month".
On the other hand, 那 (nà) can be used to refer to something that is far away in physical or temporal distance, such as "那个人 (nà gè rén)" meaning "that person", or "那个月 (nà gè yuè)" meaning "that month".
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