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char. declare, announce; drain off (liquids); reference to Xuancheng (Anhui)
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'宣' is part of the following simplified words:
 喧 揎 暄 楦 渲 煊 瑄 碹 萱
'宣' is part of the following traditional words:
 喧 揎 暄 楦 渲 煊 瑄 碹 萱
Simplified stroke orders are based on the 'Standard of National Commonly-used Mandarin Chinese Characters (现代汉语通用字笔顺规范)', issued by the China National Language and Character Working Committee (国家语言文字工作委员会) on April 7th 1997. Traditional stroke orders are based on information issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
xuān chuán
v. publicize, advertise, propagate, make known
xuān yáng
v. to preach, to advocate, make known to publicity
xuān bù
v. announce, declare
xuān gào
v. declare, make clear
xuān yán
n. declaration, manifesto
xuān shì
sep-v. take an oath, swear an oath, make a vow
xuān xiè
v. get something off one's chest
xuān zhàn
v. declare war, proclaim war, declaration of war
xuān dú
v. read out (document, public notice, etc.) in public
xuān zhǐ
n. a high quality paper (made in Xuancheng in Anhui Province, esp. good for traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy)
xuān jiǎng
v. preach, explain publicly
xīn zhào bù xuān
phr. (of two people) have tacit mutual understanding, both understand from their hearts what the matter is but do not choose to say it in public
xuān shì
v. declare; announce
zhào běn xuān kē
idiom. repeat what the book says, strictly follow the textbook (without creative thinking)
mì ér bù xuān
idiom. to keep secret, to hush something up