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conj./prep. in order that; with, by means of; according to; because of; from a point on
80%     120%
    person, man
'以' is part of the following simplified words:
 似 姒 拟 苡
'以' is part of the following traditional words:
 似 姒 苡

Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese

Simplified stroke orders are based on the 'Standard of National Commonly-used Mandarin Chinese Characters (现代汉语通用字笔顺规范)', issued by the China National Language and Character Working Committee (国家语言文字工作委员会) on April 7th 1997. Traditional stroke orders are based on information issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
yǐ hòu
n. after, afterwards, later
yǐ qián
n. before, earlier times
gǔ dài de wǔ shì yǐ shén me wéi shēng ?
phr. How did ancient warriors make a living?
qǐng zào yí ge èr shí ge zì yǐ nèi de jù zi .
phr. Please make a sentence of no more than twenty words.
yǐ dōng
n. the east of
huáng hé yí běi
phr. the north of the Yellow River
yín yǐ wéi róng
idiom. take it as a great honor; regard it as an honor
yǐ quán móu sī
idiom. abuse one's power to seek personal gains, seek personal gains with power
yán zhèn yǐ dài
idiom. be in battle array and wait for the arrival of the enemy; be prepared to meet the challenge
bù yǐ shàn xiǎo ér bù wéi
idiom. Don't miss doing any good thing just because it looks insignificant .
yǐ yán
phr. (ancient Chinese) to use words; because of one's words