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v./adv. to stop; (of a period of time) to end; only
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Other meanings
[zhǐ]   radical. stop
'止' is part of the following simplified words:
 䤠 些 企 呲 啃 啙 址 征 徙 怔 扯 掯 政 整 斌 昰 柴 止 正 此 武 歧 歨 歪 沚 涩 焉 珷 疵 症 眦 砦 祉 紫 罡 耻 肯 胔 芷 觜 訾 证 赀 赋 趾 钲 雌 鹉 龇
'止' is part of the following traditional words:
 䤠 些 企 劌 呲 啃 啙 嚦 址 壢 征 徙 怔 扯 掯 政 整 斌 昰 柴 櫪 止 正 此 武 歧 歨 歪 歲 歷 歸 沚 瀝 焉 珷 疵 症 癧 眥 砦 祉 穢 紫 罡 肯 胔 芷 藶 觜 訾 貲 賦 趾 鉦 雌 靂 鵡 齜
Simplified stroke orders are based on the 'Standard of National Commonly-used Mandarin Chinese Characters (现代汉语通用字笔顺规范)', issued by the China National Language and Character Working Committee (国家语言文字工作委员会) on April 7th 1997. Traditional stroke orders are based on information issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
tíng zhǐ
v. stop
zhì jīn wéi zhí yí yǒu yì bǎi rén sǐ yú liú gǎn
phr. One hundred people died from the flu up to now.
bù zhǐ
v. to exceed, to surpass; not stop
lèi sì de qíng kuàng bù zhǐ yí cì fā shēng .
phr. Similar situations have occurred more than once.
dào ...wéi zhǐ
phr. until..., up to...
jìn zhǐ
v. prohibit
qì jīn wéi zhǐ
phr. so far, up to now
qí zhǐ
adv. not only, far from, more than
shì kě ér zhǐ
phr. not overdo something, know when to stop
zhǐ tòng
phr. relieve pain, stop pain
dào cǐ wéi zhǐ
phr. it will stop now, it will end now
zhǐ ké táng jiāng
phr. cough syrup, linctus, pectoral syrup
qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ
idiom. be content with just a smattering of sth, stop studying once one gets some superficial knowledge of sth.