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adj. fat, plump (usually of a person)
char. (lit.) easy, comfortable
biàn pàng
v. put on weight, become fat
féi pàng
adj. fat, obese
pàng shòu
phr. fat or thin
zhǎng pàng
phr. to grow fat
guò pàng
phr. overweight, obese
fù pàng
phr. to gain the weight back (after having successfully lost weight)
fā pàng
v. put on weight, get fat
wēi pàng
phr. slightly fat
pàng zi
n. fatty, fat person
pàng pàng de
phr. chubby
pàng hū hū
adj. plump, chubby, pudgy
féi pàng zhèng
n. (Med.) adiposity, obesity
pàng dū dū
adj. chubby
féi pàng bìng
n. (Med.) adiposity, obesity
pàng dà shé
n. (TCM) enlarged tongue
pàng dà hǎi
n. (TCM) sterculia seed
pàng pàng bēi
nphr. jumbo cup (a choice of cup size when ordering milk tea or other soft drinks)
xiǎo pàng zi
phr. little fat child
róng yì fā pàng
phr. easily get fat
bú pàng bú shòu
phr. neither too fat nor too thin, of medium build
yòu ǎi yòu pàng
phr. short and fat
gāo ǎi pàng shòu
phr. tall, short, fat and thin, referring to people's different shapes and sizes
xiǎo pàng dūnr
n. small fat child
xīn kuān tǐ pán
idiom. be broad -minded and well-built, have a cheerful nature and good health
féi pàng de shēn tǐ
nphr. fat body
dān chún xìng féi pàng
nphr. (Med.) simple obesity
wǒ de lián hěn pàng
phr. my face is very fat
tā shì gè pàng zi
phr. He is a fat man.
tòng xìng féi pàng bìng
nphr. (Med.) adiposis dolorosa
xiǎo ér féi pàng zhèng
nphr. (Med.) obesity of childhood
tā yòu biàn pàng le
phr. She has become fat again.
nǐ de góu hěn pàng .
phr. Your dog is very fat.
féi pàng xìng xīn jī bìng
nphr. (Med.) obesity cardiomyopathy
dá zhóng liǎn chōng pàng zi
idiom. do sth. beyond one's means in order to be impressive
yǐ pàng huò shòu wéi měi
phr. to consider fat or thin as beautiful
nǐ de gǒu gòu pàng de .
phr. Your dog is quite fat.
nǐ de gǒu tài pàng le !
phr. Your dog is too fat!
yì kǒu chī chéng gè pàng zi
idiom. (informal) to be impatient for success, to hope to achieve quick results
ér zi de shǒu pàng pàng de .
phr. The son's hands are chubby.
pàng hé féi yì si bù yí yàng
phr. "Pang" and "fei" have different meanings.
wǒ men de xiào zháng hěn pàng
phr. Our headmaster is very fat.
nǐ zài chī yě pàng bu liǎo .
phr. Even if you eat more, you won't get fat.
guò pàng duì shēn tǐ bù hǎo .
phr. Being Overweight is not good for one's health.
xiàn zài dà duō xiǎo pàng zi .
phr. Nowadays, there are many overweight children.
dǐ kàng féi pàng zhèng de yùn dòng
phr. a campaign against obesity
yì kǒu chī bù chéng gè pàng zi
idiom. one can't get fat from eating a single mouthful, (fig.) goals cannot be achieved in an instant
wó jiě jie bí wǒ mèi mei pàng .
phr. My elder sister is fatter than my younger sister.
xióng māo hěn pàng, hén kě ài .
phr. Pandas are very chubby and very adorable.
zhè gè yuè wǒ pàng le wǔ jīn duō .
phr. This month, I gained two and half kilograms' weight.
gǒu huái zǎi shí shēn zi fā pàng le
phr. A dog grows fat when it is pregnant.
zhè shì jiè duì pàng zi chōng mǎn è yì .
phr. This world is full of evil intentions towards fatties.
xiáo qǐ é yáo bǎi zhe pàng pàng de shēn tǐ
phr. The little penguins were wagging their chubby bodies.
nǐ cóng lái bú yùn dòng, néng bú pàng ma ?
phr. You never exercise. How can (you) not be fat?
pú ěr chá yǒu zhì liáo féi pàng zhèng de gōng yòng .
phr. Pu'er tea has the function of treating obesity.
nà gè bǎo ān yīn wèi tài pàng bèi jiě gù le .
phr. That safety guard was dismissed because he was too fat.
nǐ bú pàng, ní zhǐ shì xiǎn ér yì jiàn .
phr. You are not fat. You are just "conspicuous".
rú guǒ jué de zì jǐ pàng de huà, jiǎn féi ba .
phr. If (you) think that (you) are fat, lose some weight.
tā fā xiàn zì jǐ pàng, jiù bú duàn de jiǎn féi .
phr. She found out that she herself was fat, so started losing weight nonstop.
wǒ hé gè zhǒng gāo ǎi pàng shòu de rén yì qǐ gōng zuò
phr. I work with people of different shapes and sizes.
tā nián qīng shí shì gè shòu zi, xiàn zài fā pàng le
phr. When he was young, he was a thin person. Now, (he) has become fat.
wó zhǎng de hěn pàng, zóu qǐ lù lái yáo yáo bái bǎi de .
phr. I was really fat and I walked toddling and staggering.
nǐ bì xū jié zhì yǐn shí, bù rán huì yuè lái yuè pàng
phr. You must be moderate in eating and drinking; or you will become fatter and fatter.
yì kǒu chī bu chéng gè pàng zi, màn màn lái, bié zháo jí .
phr. Goals cannot be achieved in an instant. Take it slow. Do not worry.
suī rán wó xǐ huan chī bīng qí lín, dàn shì tā huì ràng wó zhǎng pàng
phr. I love eating ice-cream, but it will make me get fat
dān cí xué xí yóu qí rú cǐ, fàn yào yì kǒu yì kǒu de chī, dān cí yě shì yào yí gè yí gè de xué, yì kǒu chī bù chéng gè pàng zi .
phr. Learning new words is especially like this. Food is eaten one bite after another. New words are learnt one after another, as goals cannot be achieved in one instant.