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Задан 123 месяца назад пользователем ribenguniang  одобренный Edit
Hi Klaus,

I very seldom use he Web Application to learn (I generally use my Mobile).
Today however (because my boss was wondering what I was doing with my mobile ;-) ), I went online to practice my Chinese...
I was surprised to see that the words presented online were not in-line with those on my mobile.
What could be the reason for that discrepancy. Actually the list of words is computed on the server in both cases.
Note: I am using the avanced algorithm, and update at least once a day my word lists on my mobile.
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Этот вопрос просматривался 10 раз(а).
Sorry for the delay in answering.

The words should be exactly the same, as well as the training status. But the order words are shown may be different as well as the interface which on the website is quite old ;(
Отвечен 122 месяца назад пользователем klaus одобренный Edit
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Hi Klaus,

I just retested again, as the opportunity was excellent.
I delayed repeat for one day, and so I have on my mobile only 2 words to repeat, but on the Web there are 6. The words displayed on the mobile are a subset of those on the Web.
I repeated only the words under 'Learn' (the complete hierarchy).
Отвечен 122 месяца назад пользователем ribenguniang одобренный Edit
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