Asked 128 months ago by
rickposner valid
Going back to this question, I guess I'm not understanding. First of all, when opening the app, I don't see a place to choose details. Please advise.
Let's just start with the first step, then I will ask further. Thanks Former Answer:
The training modes are specific
for each word/card. So you can change the training modes for each
card at any time. Answered 3 months ago by klaus Add comment
This question has been viewed 9 times.
Your question was on how to change the training modes for certain cards (so as to only learn some aspects of them and not all without affecting the training mods of the other cards). There are several ways to reach the \"details\" of one of your words, probably the easiest one is:
-- The method to change the training modes for individual cards can be used for as many cards as you like, in case you want to change the training modes for all of your cards then please use the \"settings\" where you can select the training modes for all future cards you may create (and also apply this setting to all cards -which will overwrite any settings for those cards).
rickposner lautet:
Wonderful explanation. Very clear and precise. My next question is: Can I designate a mode for an entire lists? My objective is to separate the words I'm learning only pinyin from the smaller amount of words of which I'm learning the characters and pinyin. Many of us older students can only remember a limited amount of characters yet can learn many more words through only the pinyin system. Thank you, Klaus
Am sorry, the change of training modes is only possible for individual cards or for all cards. Currently it is not possible to do it for all cards of one list. But we had such a request before and have it in our "to do" list - but the list is quite long ... So it may take some time to implement - even though based on your comment it now has been prioritized.
In case we do implement such a function will be (at least for some time) only be available on-line (i.e. using the website). |