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Hi Klaus,

Since the latest software update on my Android phone, three problems have appeared:

1. Instead of bringing cards back in the 5 day/10 day/learned pattern, many cards are simply repeating over and over 5 days...but oddly some do default eventually to learned, but never to 10 days.  I've had to mark most cards 'learned' manually, and I've simply lost the 10 day return.  The problem started when I turned off the 'flexible learning' option. 

2. The new message intended to alert me of changes on the website is essentially just appearing at random times, even including right after I've clicked 'update cards'.

3. It now frequently crashes when I finish studying a word list.

Will an upcoming update fix these problems (I know the #1 problem above is not specific to me or my phone), or is there a solution?  Would reinstalling the software fix the problem.
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Diese Frage wurde 17 mal angesehen.
Issue #1:
There was a problem with the way the server was preparing the data for the app, and the calculation on the days to sleep was wrong (repeating twice the short time period) We fixed it now.

Unless you can manually choose higher values whenever a card will go to sleep, it will be necessary to re-load all cards to the app. Which means:
1) Update Cards (to store all current data on the server)
2) Go to the settings, Account details and add a x to your user name then "Submit" (this deletes all local content on the app)
3) change the Account details back to the correct user name and "submit"
4) Update Cards (to store the cards back to the phone with the right values)

Sorry for this inconvenience
Beantwortet 126 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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Thank you for the report !

We will definitely check #1 and #2 - this problems probably do not need an update and may be solved fast on our server.

For #3 we would need more data. If you are on Google Play can you please \"report\" the problem when it happens - that will include some traces that can help to find the cause of the problem.
Beantwortet 126 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Thanks Klaus!

For #3 I have been sending the reports in, hope they help. 
Beantwortet 126 months ago duch anacor gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Thank you - we will look into it.
Thanks Klaus!
Beantwortet 126 months ago duch anacor gültig Edit
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I can confirm, I also have all described problems ...

Beantwortet 126 months ago duch ribenguniang gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Main problem #1 is solved (see above). 
I can confirm Klaus' solution for #1 seems to be working, though note that cards previously stuck on the (on my settings) 5-day loop proceed from that point (IE, reviewed only once, regardless of how many times they had been reviewed). 

More info on the #3, the crashing problem--it doesn't crash the entire program.  It crashes the training when the card list is finished and after the crash report page, goes back to the flash card list page.  Small annoyance, not a major problem. 
Beantwortet 126 months ago duch anacor gültig Edit
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