Asked 133 months ago by
grueneratte valid
Hi there,
This question has been viewed 21 times.
If you reach the stage of a card where it is passing a round (that is all the modes of testing of the card were passed enough times) then you will be prompted to decide on how long you would like the card to \"sleep\".
If you happen to select time periods that are shorter than the proposed one then those sleeping times will not count against the target of say 3 times to sleep until it is considered fully learned. To reach that you would need to pass 3 times with time periods equal or higher than the proposed one. Of course you still can decide to set a card as \"fully learned\", this will override any other situation of teh card and will put it into the fully learned state. Hope this answers your question?If not please let us know. |
There could be a Software problem with that: I run in automatic mode, so I do not decide myself, how long it should sleep. It seems that even the automatic \"sleeps times\" do not count than...?
I mean, I did \"untick\" the \"Flexible training\" in the setting s of my android app, to automatically use the recommended times. (I dont want to think about it every time I train a card) Now the app suggests sleeping times like 1 to 4 days automatically, but the cards never go to \"learned\" automatically. What did I do wrong? |
Maybe it is because I have ticked the \"use advaced algorithm\" on the website\'s settings page? Does the \"flexible training\" collide with the \"advanced algorithm\"?
Thanks, I have exactly the same problem! Now have to go onto the website and manually turn them off one by one.
anacor lautet:
Oh, a bit of information that might help. I tried the new flexible learning function for about a day or so, then clicked on the settings link at the bottom of the dialogue box that appeared each time and clicked the function off. The problem started happening after that, all cards since have been fixed at 'sleep for 5 days', then they return, same result, etc. (my settings are 5/10 days). It could be the problem started immediately at the update and the 'sleep for 10 days' or 'fully learned' could have been triggered by data already saved by the cards, but it seems more likely that the problem started when I turned it off. Note that I have tried turning it off and on and going onto the website to try and reset it, but nothing seemed to work. Not sure if this info is useful, but just in case... Keep up the good work, guys! |
Hi Klaus, do you have any new information for me? My cards still do not switch to \"fully learned\", no matter how often I train them. I can only manually set them to learned, what is somehow missing the point of a \"digital flashcard system\" (I do not want to draw ticks on a sheet of paper...)
What did I do wrong with my settings? If you have no quick solution, do you have a work-around or any other information what I can change with my settings to get rid of this problem? Thank you very much! |
This sounds similar to my situation. I've learned the same cards 3 times but it always recommends 5 days to sleep. It also doesn't seem to consider how many times I got the card wrong. It used to be simply 5, 10, then fully learned.