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I have 12 lists that I want to renew for six months, but I don't see that option. I signed up on Sept 18, so I had it in my calendar to renew today -- I thought I had another full day before it expired. I see only the option for 10 lists, or 30. I really don't want to increase it to 30. Thanks.

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Diese Frage wurde 41 mal angesehen.
Your subscription defectively stopped on 17th (i.e. yesterday).  You should have received a reminder about that fact some days ago (which even included a discount coupon for a renewal). In any case we will send you a email with the data for the coupon separately.

As for renewal. If you do not need any more lists you can renew with 0 lists. To do that please log into the website with your user name/email and password and then select the top right "Upgrade your subscription". Enter your coupon number and then choose the package you would like to purchase.
Beantwortet 128 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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