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Asked 130 months ago by grueneratte  valid Edit
Hello, I really love the result of your work, I installed all android apps and just bought a subscription. There is just one thing I would really appreciate if you could make a little better (even if it will cost you lots of work and me lots of disk space on my android device): The quality of the audio files - spoken words in chinese - could be a little better. Thanks a lot!!
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This question has been viewed 23 times.
..this is concerning the trainchinese dictionary&flashcard app!
Answered 130 months ago by grueneratte valid Edit
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As you know with trainchinese we are recording each audio individually, that way users will get real audio.

When recording audio we taking care that the audio is of good quality, but we still have some audio files that are less frequently used which were recorded 2 or 3 years ago and may not be as good as the new ones are.
To solve that we are gradually replacing old ones by new ones and we are flexible on which we will record when. So if you have audio that you think is not good, then let us know - by using the feed back button (report error). One of our teachers will then check the audio and make sure it is re-recorded.
Answered 130 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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Hi, thanks for your answer! By audio quality I didn\'t mean the quality of the recording (e.g. pronounciation). I would never recognize wrong pronounciation, cause I am from Germany, not from China.
I merely meant the bitrate of the mp3 (?) files that is of low quality. This is not really bad with all files, but with some files. It might be dependend from the complexity of the tones (?).

Answered 130 months ago by grueneratte valid Edit
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klaus lautet:
That is understood. In fact the pronunciations should be OK for all of our recordings. It is just that there are (still) some older ones that were recoded with a lower bit-rate!
I usually work with my iPad and occasionally on my laptop. The quality of the sound is different on my laptop (worse). Also, the quality goes down when my iPad goes on standby mode. Must have to do with the ecryption of the mp3 (or whatever format is used). I switch off the vocal trainer when going on the web and that is a pitty. 这个不太好!
Answered 130 months ago by Joppeke valid Edit
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klaus lautet:

The audio you get is a "normal" mp3 encoded audio file. The quality is the same independently on the device used, but of course it depends on the loudspeaker/headset characteristics of each device. For the laptop the loudspeakers may not be optimal. did you try to use a headset instead?

Regarding the "Standby" of the iPad, i also am surprised, seems you get this issue with the Audio trainer? CAn you tell me which iPad you are using?
Joppeke lautet:
I just stumbled upon this thread and I have to say I'm really satisfied with the audio records.
I can confirm that the output device has a strong impact on the quality. But with the right device, the quality is perfect! 
Despite the mp3 quality, I especially like that every word and even sentence is spoken completely . Many other apps like Pleco just provide audio records of single 汉字 
Answered 129 months ago by akadaemic valid Edit
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