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Gefragt vor 135 Monaten von maymetta  gültig Edit
I just read that you do not usually allow export of cards. The reason I wanted to export was so that I could put my cards in alphabetical order by pinyin script since I don't know characters. I don't need to export if I can do it within your program. In other words I want my 1500+ cards in alphabetical order since I cannot remember which list has a given word or phrase. I save words from movies/TV shows which is an exercise I do to learn to hear and spell correctly.  I do not get enough speaking practice or use words frequently enough to memorize from the cards as they are presented. So I want to start my own personal dictionary. But since as a beginner this is a trial and error method and actors do not always pronounce/articulate the same way, it would be a burden to have to find the card again the way I originally found it. After hearing the word in a context several times I tend to remember it. I am also using this to practice hearing and using tones when a word is used by different persons in different contexts. I hope you can help.
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To get them in alpahbetical order, open your account on a PC, then select "Content" and there "All flashcards" then you will see all of your cards. If you ened many words on one page, select 100 words per page and tap on the title line to order the words by pinyin (second tap will inverse order them).
Beantwortet vor 135 Monaten duch klaus gültig Edit
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maymetta says:
Thank you so much, Klaus. I did not realize the program had these features. Maymetta
I accidentally clicked green "minus" button for the question above, which is a really good question!

 The system wont let me alter it. Please restore the point I wrongly removed! 

Thank you. My apologies. 
Beantwortet vor 135 Monaten duch Bbb gültig Edit
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klaus says:
We corrected that! Thank you!