Asked 142 months ago by
ribenguniang valid
Hi Klaus,
I have know over 2200 words in my DB. Your application is pretending that I've memorized a good part of it... It's not true... Maybe I've learned them, but because I never repeat them now and then, they get lost. I don't have daily contact with Chinese ... Is there a way to go though all the memorized words, one by one, in time order, on my mobile, and mark the words I want to repeat in some distinctive way, or say 'repeat once' (but actually I would prefer to repeat them separatly from the rest). After I've finished my daily review, I would like to set a bookmark (or the system sets automatically) at the last word I reviewed, so that I can continue the next day from that point on... Thanks Jacques
This question has been viewed 31 times.
actually I\'m also interested in an answer to that question. I also found out that cards have to be repeated (even though they are marked as \"learned\" in the system). Is there a possibility to review already memorized/learned cards (e.g. displaying them in the translation or dictation mode)? Then I could check each card separately and mark as learned or unlearned. Thank you! |
This issue requires some thought, I am making this issue to be answered when I am back from a short holiday (August 15).