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Questions and Answers


The desktop app with Adobe AIR doesn't seemed to be synced with the vocab in the Trainchinese website. 

Related question: If I am using the Android App on my mobile and try to Update Cards, which database does the mobile sync with?

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Any synchronization (that happens when selecting Update Cards on the Android or Desktop application) will always synchronize all the cards from the application with the Website.
So in case you want to switch devices to train, you need to make sure you Update Cards on the device you used to learn in the past, and then on the device you start learning to make sure the cards you use on the new device.
Please be aware that as long as you do not have a paid subscription only the 20 'oldest' cards will be loaded on the device, so if you have more than 20 cards then it may happen that the cards loaded on one device are not the same than on the other device. You always can check the status of the cards you are learning directly on the website (where you can see and train all the cards).
Answered 171 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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Thanks for the speedy response.  I\'ll try it out!
Answered 171 months ago by Tianspot valid Edit
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good morning

I have also to complain from chinese desktop. tough It works well under ubuntu  the sound remains silent . I dont know why. An other question is the crash in the training. Desktop displays 761 cards to train but always crashes after the 40th or 45th. He refuses also to train the basic caracters. It is a pity to renew subscription with those defects.

Answered 95 months ago by meleze valid Edit
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Can I ask for a bit of clarification regarding to sync/updating of cards.

I currently have the app on my Android and I train fairly frequently whilst on public transport. Whereas I rarely use the actual website for training (occasionally, but maybe more like once every week or so).

So when I hit "update cards" on my Android, will it push across the progress I've made on my phone to the website? Or does it disregard that and just take the website as 'source of truth'?

I can't be certain, but it seems to be doing the latter :( Which is quite annoying because I do most of my training on the go on my mobile.

Answered 162 months ago by pyko valid Edit
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klaus lautet:
Assuming you did not train on the website the progress data from the device will be stored on the website.

Should it happen that cards are studied on the website and in parallel on the device then the progress data from the device will be added to the progress done on the website since the last Update Cards.

We strongly recommend to Update Cards regularly as to make sure the server data is up to date and that data can be used in case the phone data needs to be restored.